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Remove Your Information from FastPeopleSearch

How to Remove Personal Information from

How to Remove Information from Fast People Search

Fast People Search is a data broker website that aggregates personal information from various sources and makes it available to the public. To remove your information from Fast People Search, follow these steps:

7 simple steps to remove yourself from FastPeopleSearch

  1. Go to the FastPeopleSearch opt-out page

    Visit the Fast People Search opt-out page by navigating to this URL:

  2. Complete the CAPTCHA

    To proceed, you must complete the CAPTCHA challenge to verify that you are a human and not an automated script.

  3. Search for your information on

    Enter your full name, city, and state in the provided fields, then click the "Search" button. This will help you locate your information on the website.

  4. Select your record

    Once the search results are displayed, find your record and click the "View Details" button associated with it. This will take you to a page containing your personal information.

  5. Click on the "Remove This Record" button

    On the page displaying your personal information, locate and click the "Remove This Record" button to submit a removal request.

  6. Confirm your removal request

    A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your removal request. Enter your email address and click the "Send Verification Email" button. Fast People Search will send you an email containing a verification link.

  7. Verify your removal request

    Open the email from Fast People Search and click on the verification link. This will take you to a confirmation page on their website, where you should see a message stating that your information has been successfully removed.

Keep in mind that removing your information from Fast People Search does not guarantee that it won't appear on other data broker websites. You may need to check other similar websites and follow their removal procedures as well. Additionally, your information may reappear on Fast People Search if they obtain new data from other sources. Periodically check the website to ensure your information remains removed.

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