
Strategies for dealing with and deleting posts

What's the website Shes A Homewrecker all about? is a notorious gossip website consisting of anonymous, user-generated posts that call-out and accuse others of cheating, or relationship infidelity.



While, according to the ICANN WHOIS search tool,  the domain name was registered in July of 2012, the Shes A Homewrecker website was officially launched in 2013.

Is legal?

Yes. Neither nor its owners have been found in violation of any US laws. This is largely because of Section 230 of the Communication and Decency Act, which provides website owners immunity to providers and users of websites that publish information provided by others - i.e. user-generated content.


Removing your name from She' is a must! Here's why...

In today's digital/information driven environment, people everywhere are looking online for information on the people with whom they interact.  What people find when they search your name on search engines is important. If personal and/or professional contacts uncover private information about you that's been posted on, the derogatory information found in the post will likely figure in to their overall view of you, regardless of what claims are made in the post(s) on

Will being posted on Shes A impact your life?

There are many very real reasons not to let a cheater website post linger online, published where the world can see. Here are a few...

Missed career opportunities

When hiring candidates for careers in nearly all industries, the majority of executive recruiters now report the use of web search engines such as Google to evaluate applicants.  When a potential employer searches for a job-candidate's name and finds allegations of cheating, lying and other acts likely to be frowned upon, he or she is likely to pass on the job-applicant because of the negative information found on

Threats to privacy such as stalking and harrassment

Threats of stalking and ongoing cyber-harassment often accompany having your private information posted on  Because posts often include sensitive information such as phone numbers, addresses, names of employers, children's names, etc., removing your information from the website is important not only to your online reputation, but also to your privacy and security.

Negative impacts on mental health

Being publicly humiliated on can have lasting effects on one's mental well-being.   Feelings of depression and anxiety, among other mental health problems, are commonly reported victims of cyber-bullies and internet trolls, such as those that publicly humiliate others by posting harmful information on 

Strategies to remove information from

Below you'll find some tips for dealing with cheater website publications and techniques to have posts deleted from and other revenge and cheater sites.

Use third-party post arbitration service now allows post authors to delete their posts if the posts are made from a registered user account.  However, the website still does not offer any way for those mentioned in posts or the subjects of posts to delete content, that is, without the help of an approved third-party post arbitration service, such as Defamation Defenders.

Legal remedies to remove content from

There are a few ways you can use the law to deal with cheater websites, however there are important limitations when it comes to suing cheater websites and using other legal recourse to remove content from cheater websites.

Suppress links on search engine results

This strategy doesn't actually remove the content from  Instead of complete removal of the post, suppression will use Search Engine Optimization to bury the negative content on search engine results.

  1. Use DMCA takedown procedures - In order for a DMCA takedown to be successful in removing content from a cheater website, it must be shown that the cheater website content infringes on copyrighted material that you own.  For instance, if someone saved your Facebook profile picture and posted it on a cheater website, there's a good chance you'd be able to get the website to completely delete the post. If they're unwilling to delete the post, at very least you should be able to get the copyrighted image taken out of the post and deleted from the site.
  2. Sue the poster - you may be able to get content removed from a cheater website by suing the person that submitted the post.  To do this you will need to accomplish the following:
    1. Identify who authored or submitted the post on; and
    2. Prove that the post on constitutes defamation. Removal

Get your name wiped off cheater sites fast! Our proven cheater website post removal service is Best In Class; it gets content quickly and entirely removed from all major sites known for exposing cheating gossip and spreading rumors.

Pricing and Timeframe

Below you'll find details on our standard pricing for post removal, as well as some information on how long it typically takes to complete the various stages of the removal process.

How long does it take to remove a post from

The table below contains information on typical turn-around times for cheater content removal services. Post Removal
 1 to 3 weeks
Link De-Indexing  Usually, complete 72 hours after content removal from has been completed.
  • Ongoing
  • 72-hour setup

How much does it cost?

Shes A Homewrecker removal services range between $2000 and $3000 depending on the number of factors, including the number of posts, number of similar websites the post has been submitted on or copied by, the amount of traffic, comments, and user interaction the post receives, and the website admin's discretion, among other factors.

Defamation Defenders
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